So, after a great day of shopping with my mom, I'm on my way home and I'm sitting at a stop light and there is a truck in front of me. It had a camper top on the bed of it, on the window there was an etched type sticker that read "kill them all and let God sort them out", if that wasn't disturbing enough, directly under that on the tail gate there was a bumper sticker that read "proud to be an American".
After reading those I was instantly mad and upset. I wanted to pull up to that guy and give him a nasty look. I was thinking to myself-what kind of person says that?-who are you to think killing is the answer? etc.. I was just plain irritated. Then I started to feel bad for him, I felt sad that he would be proud of that sticker (enough to have it permanently on his vehicle). I felt sorry for him.
I also got me thinking. Why do people think that low of God. Does he think that God is ok with killing, like, it will give God something to do? Or that God would be proud of it? Did he ever think that God would sort out the killers and not the victims? "Kill them all..."-like kill children,women,men,teens, whatever is breathing? Like a field of weeds, you would destroy the entire field if you wanted to grow fresh grass, so just destroy a whole country and start over?
There are a lot of "Christian" groups that make God look bad. I use the "" because they claim to be but do things to people that I know Christ would not approve of.
Anyway, There are a lot of Americans that make America look bad also. That is a perfect example.
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,
and to the Republic for which it stands,
one nation, under God, indivisible,
with liberty and justice for all.
Our very own promise to our very own nation. With "liberty and justice for all", for all...not all Americans but for all! That is our promise, justice for all. If he is proud to be an American than he should honor this promise. Just as if we are proud to be Christians, then we need to honor God.
Is he "proud" to be an American, or just lucky he lives in America?
On a happier note, as I was turning on a street by my house, while still thinking about that truck, I looked over and there was literally- a 10 foot snowman! He was dyed in food coloring or something, his top was red, his belly was white and his bottom was blue. He had stick arms, a carrot nose and a smile made of rocks. The family that made him-now they are proud to be Americans!!!!!!!
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Webster defines it like this:
1: punishment
2:obsolete : instruction
3: a field of study
4: training that corrects, molds, or perfects the mental faculties or moral character
5 a: control gained by enforcing obedience or order b: orderly or prescribed conduct or pattern of behavior c: self-control
6: a rule or system of rules governing conduct or activity
My mind gets bombarded with thoughts by that one word. Why is discipline such a problem for me?
I was reading through the bible just a few minutes ago looking for a passage on discipline. I found a few but not one that really stood out to me, so I prayed for God to show me what I was looking for, so I keep searching, and I'm finding all this good scripture and rereading things that I highlighted...and then it was like I hit a wall...STOP! Everything that I was reading, in one way or another, it had to do with discipline.
Our entire life, in most everything we do, discipline is involved. What time we wake up in the morning, 6am to do devotionals or 7am to get some extra shut-eye? Lunch, make and take one or go out for lunch? Go to the gym today or say you'll go tomorrow (I'm guilty of that one)? Go to bed early so you can wake up early to do devotionals or stay up and watch Leno?
Its all about discipline.
If I cant discipline myself from...myself, then how in the world am I supposed to learn discipline from God? I am also guilty of feeling (#1), punishment. I remember when I was a kid when I got punished I wanted to rebel. Well, even though I don't get disciplined by my parents here, I know that my Heavenly Father is still disciplining me, and I still feel like rebelling.
I have however come along way, I only feel rebellious when it is the "big" things, but none-the-less, it is still rebelling.
Hebrews 12:7-11 tells us to 'Endure hardship as discipline;God is treating you as sons.For what son is not disciplined by his father?'v.7. '...God disciplines us for our good' v.10. 'No discipline seems pleasant at the time,but painful.'v.11.
And the truth in all of that is, what parent doesn't discipline their children? Why do parents discipline their children? And is discipline ever pleasant?
God is our Heavenly Father, bottom line. He knows what is best for us. When was the last time I knew what was best for myself? Never! I know what I want and what will make me happy right now, but never once have I known what is best for me. I am the one who sleeps in instead of doing devotional, I go out for lunch, I say I'm going to the gym tomorrow and I always stay up late to watch TV. 26 years old and still have no clue what is best for me. But...I am beginning to accept that God does in fact know what is best for Sarah, as much as I want to rebel, He knows. I am learning to discipline myself from myself, and listening to Gods discipline over me.
I think about my own children. How they are innocent, how they say and do things that just don't make any sense. Sometimes it makes me laugh, sometimes I get frustrated. Sometimes I let them go on ahead with what they are doing so that they can find out the outcome, whether it be good or bad. I discipline them, even when I know that they don't understand right now why I am. I discipline them even though they throw a huge fit, kicking and screaming the whole way to their room, and even when it might have been easier to just ignore it happened.
I love my boys more than life itself, that is why I do it all. I am far from perfect and even though I love them more than I can put in words, my love is not perfect either.
But think about God. He is perfect, with perfect love for each one of us. Think about the most imperfect human loving enough to discipline their children, how much more love does God have for His! He really does love us enough to be patient when we kick and scream all the way to our rooms, and even though we don't understand right now, and even when it might have been easier to ignore it. His discipline doesn't stop when we turn 18 either! That is how much he loves never stop.
Heavenly Father Thank You!
Thank You for never stopping on me,
Thank You for loving me enough to discipline me,
Help me please to remember everyday that Your discipline is out of love for me,
Help me not to rebel against Your guidance and remind me that You know best.
In Your Sons precious name I pray,
Webster defines it like this:
1: punishment
2:obsolete : instruction
3: a field of study
4: training that corrects, molds, or perfects the mental faculties or moral character
5 a: control gained by enforcing obedience or order b: orderly or prescribed conduct or pattern of behavior c: self-control
6: a rule or system of rules governing conduct or activity
My mind gets bombarded with thoughts by that one word. Why is discipline such a problem for me?
I was reading through the bible just a few minutes ago looking for a passage on discipline. I found a few but not one that really stood out to me, so I prayed for God to show me what I was looking for, so I keep searching, and I'm finding all this good scripture and rereading things that I highlighted...and then it was like I hit a wall...STOP! Everything that I was reading, in one way or another, it had to do with discipline.
Our entire life, in most everything we do, discipline is involved. What time we wake up in the morning, 6am to do devotionals or 7am to get some extra shut-eye? Lunch, make and take one or go out for lunch? Go to the gym today or say you'll go tomorrow (I'm guilty of that one)? Go to bed early so you can wake up early to do devotionals or stay up and watch Leno?
Its all about discipline.
If I cant discipline myself from...myself, then how in the world am I supposed to learn discipline from God? I am also guilty of feeling (#1), punishment. I remember when I was a kid when I got punished I wanted to rebel. Well, even though I don't get disciplined by my parents here, I know that my Heavenly Father is still disciplining me, and I still feel like rebelling.
I have however come along way, I only feel rebellious when it is the "big" things, but none-the-less, it is still rebelling.
Hebrews 12:7-11 tells us to 'Endure hardship as discipline;God is treating you as sons.For what son is not disciplined by his father?'v.7. '...God disciplines us for our good' v.10. 'No discipline seems pleasant at the time,but painful.'v.11.
And the truth in all of that is, what parent doesn't discipline their children? Why do parents discipline their children? And is discipline ever pleasant?
God is our Heavenly Father, bottom line. He knows what is best for us. When was the last time I knew what was best for myself? Never! I know what I want and what will make me happy right now, but never once have I known what is best for me. I am the one who sleeps in instead of doing devotional, I go out for lunch, I say I'm going to the gym tomorrow and I always stay up late to watch TV. 26 years old and still have no clue what is best for me. But...I am beginning to accept that God does in fact know what is best for Sarah, as much as I want to rebel, He knows. I am learning to discipline myself from myself, and listening to Gods discipline over me.
I think about my own children. How they are innocent, how they say and do things that just don't make any sense. Sometimes it makes me laugh, sometimes I get frustrated. Sometimes I let them go on ahead with what they are doing so that they can find out the outcome, whether it be good or bad. I discipline them, even when I know that they don't understand right now why I am. I discipline them even though they throw a huge fit, kicking and screaming the whole way to their room, and even when it might have been easier to just ignore it happened.
I love my boys more than life itself, that is why I do it all. I am far from perfect and even though I love them more than I can put in words, my love is not perfect either.
But think about God. He is perfect, with perfect love for each one of us. Think about the most imperfect human loving enough to discipline their children, how much more love does God have for His! He really does love us enough to be patient when we kick and scream all the way to our rooms, and even though we don't understand right now, and even when it might have been easier to ignore it. His discipline doesn't stop when we turn 18 either! That is how much he loves never stop.
Heavenly Father Thank You!
Thank You for never stopping on me,
Thank You for loving me enough to discipline me,
Help me please to remember everyday that Your discipline is out of love for me,
Help me not to rebel against Your guidance and remind me that You know best.
In Your Sons precious name I pray,
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Humble in Forgivness
8 The LORD is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love.
9 He will not always accuse, nor will he harbor his anger forever;
10 he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities.
11 For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him;
12 as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.
13 As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him;
14 for he knows how we are formed, he remembers that we are dust.
15 As for man, his days are like grass, he flourishes like a flower of the field;
16 the wind blows over it and it is gone, and its place remembers it no more.
*I love this passage*
Forgiveness is something that I have always had a hard time with, both, my place in it and Gods place in it.
When I first became a Christian, I felt it laid on my heart to start forgiving people who have done me wrong and in return, I have done wrong to as well. So in my attempt to do so, I wrote "mental" letters to a few people. I told them that I forgave them and I apologized and asked for there forgiveness as well. After I released these things out loud, I felt better. Or so I thought....
This past fall, just a couple months ago, I ran into one of my 'letters'. And I was fine...until...they seen me, and whispered to the people that they were with. And in the most obvious way! That was all it took! I had hate in my heart for them all over again, I was mad and frustrated. I was also disappointed in myself for not actually overcoming these feelings. I then realized that I never really forgave them.Why? I haven't seen them in 8 years. What is it that I cant get over it? I wasn't the one that mad the offence in the first place, I had done nothing to that person, yet what they had said then about me still hurts me today, why? And seeing that they are still living in the past, brought me right back with them.
Because that is who I am, I often times forget that, that is who God is NOT.
Because we are powerless, we are unable to forget our pasts. It is the mighty power of God that allows us to move forward. Most of us will never forget our offences or those of others, but God takes the feelings away. He makes us forget the feeling it gave us. In that way, we forgive, we forget, and we move forward.
I have a bad habit of questioning my forgiveness from God. Because I am a shallow person, my mind has a hard time understanding that God isn't. I'm afraid that I may feel forgiven, but then He looks at me and sees me whispering, and then He remembers what I did, and takes it back.
I am learning that true forgiveness starts with me. I need to first forgive myself for any wrong on my part. Then I need to sort through my feelings and figure out why I have those particular ones about the situation. Then, I need to bring them to the Lord. I need to ask Him why I feel this way, to show me if there is more that I need to know, and then for Him to forgive me.
Yes, Jesus forgives all sin/offences. And He even forgets-like- doesn't know what you are talking about if you ask Him. How awesome is that? That is something only the most perfect can do.
But..I forgot to do my part. I just selfishly asked for forgiveness. I didn't mean it, I just wanted to not feel that way anymore. But there was more to it, I needed to figure out why I felt the way I did, and I needed to ask God if there was something else that I needed to learn from it.
One thing that I did learn...I needed to ask God to forgive her also. I learned that she wasn't changed about me, and that I needed to humble myself and let go of pride- for her.
Forgiveness starts with us, we forgive ourselves first, then the other person. Then we ask God to forgive both of us.
We can't forgive the other person and not our self, and we cant forgive ourselves and not the other person. And when any one person offends someone else, it is against God, therefore we must ask Him to also forgive.
Put your pride down, and humble yourself in forgiveness!
9 He will not always accuse, nor will he harbor his anger forever;
10 he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities.
11 For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him;
12 as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.
13 As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him;
14 for he knows how we are formed, he remembers that we are dust.
15 As for man, his days are like grass, he flourishes like a flower of the field;
16 the wind blows over it and it is gone, and its place remembers it no more.
*I love this passage*
Forgiveness is something that I have always had a hard time with, both, my place in it and Gods place in it.
When I first became a Christian, I felt it laid on my heart to start forgiving people who have done me wrong and in return, I have done wrong to as well. So in my attempt to do so, I wrote "mental" letters to a few people. I told them that I forgave them and I apologized and asked for there forgiveness as well. After I released these things out loud, I felt better. Or so I thought....
This past fall, just a couple months ago, I ran into one of my 'letters'. And I was fine...until...they seen me, and whispered to the people that they were with. And in the most obvious way! That was all it took! I had hate in my heart for them all over again, I was mad and frustrated. I was also disappointed in myself for not actually overcoming these feelings. I then realized that I never really forgave them.Why? I haven't seen them in 8 years. What is it that I cant get over it? I wasn't the one that mad the offence in the first place, I had done nothing to that person, yet what they had said then about me still hurts me today, why? And seeing that they are still living in the past, brought me right back with them.
Because that is who I am, I often times forget that, that is who God is NOT.
Because we are powerless, we are unable to forget our pasts. It is the mighty power of God that allows us to move forward. Most of us will never forget our offences or those of others, but God takes the feelings away. He makes us forget the feeling it gave us. In that way, we forgive, we forget, and we move forward.
I have a bad habit of questioning my forgiveness from God. Because I am a shallow person, my mind has a hard time understanding that God isn't. I'm afraid that I may feel forgiven, but then He looks at me and sees me whispering, and then He remembers what I did, and takes it back.
I am learning that true forgiveness starts with me. I need to first forgive myself for any wrong on my part. Then I need to sort through my feelings and figure out why I have those particular ones about the situation. Then, I need to bring them to the Lord. I need to ask Him why I feel this way, to show me if there is more that I need to know, and then for Him to forgive me.
Yes, Jesus forgives all sin/offences. And He even forgets-like- doesn't know what you are talking about if you ask Him. How awesome is that? That is something only the most perfect can do.
But..I forgot to do my part. I just selfishly asked for forgiveness. I didn't mean it, I just wanted to not feel that way anymore. But there was more to it, I needed to figure out why I felt the way I did, and I needed to ask God if there was something else that I needed to learn from it.
One thing that I did learn...I needed to ask God to forgive her also. I learned that she wasn't changed about me, and that I needed to humble myself and let go of pride- for her.
Forgiveness starts with us, we forgive ourselves first, then the other person. Then we ask God to forgive both of us.
We can't forgive the other person and not our self, and we cant forgive ourselves and not the other person. And when any one person offends someone else, it is against God, therefore we must ask Him to also forgive.
Put your pride down, and humble yourself in forgiveness!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Happy Holi-What?
I love Christmas! I don't like the cold weather, but I love the snow, the smell of Christmas in the house, the cheerful music, and yes, even the presents. Of course we know the story behind Christmas and why we celebrate it, but have we really ever thought about it?
Since yesterday I have been really thinking about this holiday season, and what it really means.
Yesterdays blog I talked about that song, and what it really meant, it was giving a gift worthy for a King. To me the only gift I can give Jesus is myself.
Is it me, or has just about everyone lost their mind? ITS CHRISTMAS!! Merry Christmas!
I think that we have forgotten the true meaning for this celebration, Christs birth.
The story in its entirety is phenomenal. Its not just about a baby being born, there is situations that came about that were dangerous to say the least.
To me, Christmas is more that a birth. I don't think that it started with the birth, it started with Mary & Joseph.
Of course we know that she was a virgin and conceived from the Holy Spirit, but how many times have we thought about what that meant for her? Do we understand that in those days if you were not a virgin at the time of marriage that you could be stoned to death? (Deuteronomy 23:20-21) But, she trusted in God that she would be ok.
Joseph, a carpenter, set to marry Mary, finds out that she is pregnant and being a righteous man, decides to not expose her to the public embarrassment, but to divorce her quietly. But after he decided to do that an angle appeared to him and told him not to be afraid to take Mary home as his wife. Joseph trusted in God that everything would be ok. (Matthew 1:18-25)
Christmas, to me, is about the entire story-His parents, too His death.
The reason for His birth, was the reason for His death. Christmas means so much more to me when I really think about what it was all for. Mary and Joseph sacrificed to have a baby, a baby that was sent to cleanse us from our sins with His death. Think about it....!
Do you really want to say "happy holidays"? I don't! I want to say "Merry Christmas", that is why we celebrate, right? Next time someone says "happy holidays", say "Yes, Merry Christmas to you as well"!!!!
Joseph listened to that angel tell him not to be afraid- if I were Mary or Joseph, in that situation, sorry, but you better believe I'm afraid!!
Lets not be afraid to gently remind ourselves and others that it is Christmas!!
Since yesterday I have been really thinking about this holiday season, and what it really means.
Yesterdays blog I talked about that song, and what it really meant, it was giving a gift worthy for a King. To me the only gift I can give Jesus is myself.
Is it me, or has just about everyone lost their mind? ITS CHRISTMAS!! Merry Christmas!
I think that we have forgotten the true meaning for this celebration, Christs birth.
The story in its entirety is phenomenal. Its not just about a baby being born, there is situations that came about that were dangerous to say the least.
To me, Christmas is more that a birth. I don't think that it started with the birth, it started with Mary & Joseph.
Of course we know that she was a virgin and conceived from the Holy Spirit, but how many times have we thought about what that meant for her? Do we understand that in those days if you were not a virgin at the time of marriage that you could be stoned to death? (Deuteronomy 23:20-21) But, she trusted in God that she would be ok.
Joseph, a carpenter, set to marry Mary, finds out that she is pregnant and being a righteous man, decides to not expose her to the public embarrassment, but to divorce her quietly. But after he decided to do that an angle appeared to him and told him not to be afraid to take Mary home as his wife. Joseph trusted in God that everything would be ok. (Matthew 1:18-25)
Christmas, to me, is about the entire story-His parents, too His death.
The reason for His birth, was the reason for His death. Christmas means so much more to me when I really think about what it was all for. Mary and Joseph sacrificed to have a baby, a baby that was sent to cleanse us from our sins with His death. Think about it....!
Do you really want to say "happy holidays"? I don't! I want to say "Merry Christmas", that is why we celebrate, right? Next time someone says "happy holidays", say "Yes, Merry Christmas to you as well"!!!!
Joseph listened to that angel tell him not to be afraid- if I were Mary or Joseph, in that situation, sorry, but you better believe I'm afraid!!
Lets not be afraid to gently remind ourselves and others that it is Christmas!!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Our Finest Gifts We Bring
I broke down in tears this afternoon by a song. I listened to it and was reading the lyrics with it and all of a sudden, tears. A song that we all have heard this time of year, The Little Drummer Boy. I have heard it so many times, but only today did I really listen to it.
Come they told me pa-rum-pum-pum-pum
A newborn King to see pa-rum-pum-pum-pum
Our finest gifts we bring pa-rum-pum-pum-pum
To lay before the King pa-rum-pum-pum-pum
So to honor Him pa-rum-pum-pum-pum
When we come
Little baby pa-rum-pum-pum-pum
I am a poor boy too pa-rum-pum-pum-pum
I have no gifts to bring pa-rum-pum-pum-pum
That's fit to give a King pa-rum-pum-pum-pum
Shall I play for You pa-rum-pum-pum-pum
on my drum, on my drum
Mary nodded pa-rum-pum-pum-pum
The ox and lamb kept time pa-rum-pum-pum-pum
I played my best for Him pa-rum-pum-pum-pum
Then He smiled at me pa-rum-pum-pum-pum
Me and my drum, me and my drum
I have no gift to bring that's fit to give a King. So with Marys approval, he played his drum. Him who was a little boy-not a man but a boy, offered something to the King, even though at that time, the King was a baby. A poor boy felt that nothing he had was worthy enough to give a King, so he played his best for Him, and baby Jesus smiled as though He was excepting the little boys gift.
I have no gift that is fit for a King. What is a fitting gift for Jesus? I suppose Jesus is that person on your Christmas list that you have no idea what to get that person who has everything. Jesus is not looking for material gifts, even as a baby. The only thing that He is looking for is us. For us to live our lives for Him. He wants only for our hearts to beat for Him.
The only gift I can bring that is fit for my King.... me.
Our finest gifts we bring,
To lay before the King!!
Come they told me pa-rum-pum-pum-pum
A newborn King to see pa-rum-pum-pum-pum
Our finest gifts we bring pa-rum-pum-pum-pum
To lay before the King pa-rum-pum-pum-pum
So to honor Him pa-rum-pum-pum-pum
When we come
Little baby pa-rum-pum-pum-pum
I am a poor boy too pa-rum-pum-pum-pum
I have no gifts to bring pa-rum-pum-pum-pum
That's fit to give a King pa-rum-pum-pum-pum
Shall I play for You pa-rum-pum-pum-pum
on my drum, on my drum
Mary nodded pa-rum-pum-pum-pum
The ox and lamb kept time pa-rum-pum-pum-pum
I played my best for Him pa-rum-pum-pum-pum
Then He smiled at me pa-rum-pum-pum-pum
Me and my drum, me and my drum
I have no gift to bring that's fit to give a King. So with Marys approval, he played his drum. Him who was a little boy-not a man but a boy, offered something to the King, even though at that time, the King was a baby. A poor boy felt that nothing he had was worthy enough to give a King, so he played his best for Him, and baby Jesus smiled as though He was excepting the little boys gift.
I have no gift that is fit for a King. What is a fitting gift for Jesus? I suppose Jesus is that person on your Christmas list that you have no idea what to get that person who has everything. Jesus is not looking for material gifts, even as a baby. The only thing that He is looking for is us. For us to live our lives for Him. He wants only for our hearts to beat for Him.
The only gift I can bring that is fit for my King.... me.
Our finest gifts we bring,
To lay before the King!!
Monday, December 10, 2007
My Off Day
Today is the kind of day that I absolutely dread.
1) I woke up with the same headache that I have had for 3 days now,
2) the headache is wearing on me so I am tired, and...
3) I feel kinda alone today.
I know well enough that God never leaves my side, but I sure feel like He has.
Last week was great! I had great time in prayer, I had an awesome time in worship, I praised Him for all kinds of things, It was just...great!
Today, however, isn't that great I have to sadly report. Every now and then I have days like this, I like to call them, in a humorous way, my off day, like Gods day off. The feeling that I'm in, is like that He has taken a day off from me. When I pray, I feel that my prayer stays in the room with me. I feel that I'm not getting the answers to the questions that I'm asking like I usually get. I feel ineffective today. I know that when I feel this way, that He wants me to be learning something, He is teaching me something....But WHAT?
Now that I think about it, last night in prayer, I asked Him to search my heart for things that need to be changed, to convict me where needed so that I can grow as a Christ follower. I suppose that is why I am having this kind of day....I asked for it!
Usually when I sit down before I write this blog, I pray that God shows me what I need to write. Writing this blog is not only to share with readers and encourage others but I also get clarity out of it. I like to use it as a time to sit with God and learn about Him, by Him. And before I start I ask Him to show me, and lead me...well, today, I didn't feel lead anywhere. I didn't feel anything laid on my heart to write like I usually do. So, I figure, this is what I am supposed to write about.
I am learning that when these days happen to me that He wants me to learn something (I already said that I know), but days like today bum me out and all I want to do is take some Excedrin PM and crawl back into bed. Now, if I did that what am I learning? Nothing. God was interacting with me so much last week that maybe towards the end of the week I didn't depend on Him as much. Perhaps that is why He backs off a little from us once in a while, to remind us that we are to always depend on Him for everything.
Well, I am going to continue to look for the answer. When I find it I will write about it.
Lets pray for Him to always make Himself known to us:
Heavenly Father,
Thank You for being so great to us,
Thank You for for everything You have done and will do for us,
Father I pray that You continue to make Yourself known in my life,
that You give me the straight that I need to make it through the day,
and that I would be humble enough to give You the glory that you so deserve.
Father, on days like today, I need to believe something big, Help me to remember
Your faithfulness on days like today, and help me to be patient as I wait for your answers.
In Jesus most perfect name I pray,
1) I woke up with the same headache that I have had for 3 days now,
2) the headache is wearing on me so I am tired, and...
3) I feel kinda alone today.
I know well enough that God never leaves my side, but I sure feel like He has.
Last week was great! I had great time in prayer, I had an awesome time in worship, I praised Him for all kinds of things, It was just...great!
Today, however, isn't that great I have to sadly report. Every now and then I have days like this, I like to call them, in a humorous way, my off day, like Gods day off. The feeling that I'm in, is like that He has taken a day off from me. When I pray, I feel that my prayer stays in the room with me. I feel that I'm not getting the answers to the questions that I'm asking like I usually get. I feel ineffective today. I know that when I feel this way, that He wants me to be learning something, He is teaching me something....But WHAT?
Now that I think about it, last night in prayer, I asked Him to search my heart for things that need to be changed, to convict me where needed so that I can grow as a Christ follower. I suppose that is why I am having this kind of day....I asked for it!
Usually when I sit down before I write this blog, I pray that God shows me what I need to write. Writing this blog is not only to share with readers and encourage others but I also get clarity out of it. I like to use it as a time to sit with God and learn about Him, by Him. And before I start I ask Him to show me, and lead me...well, today, I didn't feel lead anywhere. I didn't feel anything laid on my heart to write like I usually do. So, I figure, this is what I am supposed to write about.
I am learning that when these days happen to me that He wants me to learn something (I already said that I know), but days like today bum me out and all I want to do is take some Excedrin PM and crawl back into bed. Now, if I did that what am I learning? Nothing. God was interacting with me so much last week that maybe towards the end of the week I didn't depend on Him as much. Perhaps that is why He backs off a little from us once in a while, to remind us that we are to always depend on Him for everything.
Well, I am going to continue to look for the answer. When I find it I will write about it.
Lets pray for Him to always make Himself known to us:
Heavenly Father,
Thank You for being so great to us,
Thank You for for everything You have done and will do for us,
Father I pray that You continue to make Yourself known in my life,
that You give me the straight that I need to make it through the day,
and that I would be humble enough to give You the glory that you so deserve.
Father, on days like today, I need to believe something big, Help me to remember
Your faithfulness on days like today, and help me to be patient as I wait for your answers.
In Jesus most perfect name I pray,
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Are you really listening?
About a year ago I was sitting at my dinning room table with my friend Jacque doing a bible study. I don't remember the topic of conversation but I do remember her telling me about how she was feeling God telling her something. I remember getting frustrated because I didn't understand how she knew, how she was so confident. As I asked her questions about it my frustration grew, But she kept reassuring my that I will know when it is God.
Today, I think I know when it is God. It has alot to do with confidence, and trust. I am learning that God and "your gut"(instinct) are the same. Have you ever been in a situation and you say "mmm..something is telling me not to do that..."? Well that something is God. He is telling you not to do it, or to do it, or to turn around, whatever it is that He sees best.
I have never "heard" the voice of God that many others have. I talked to people that can and they say that it is in absolute silence that they do. Well, there is my problem right there, I never have absolute silence. As I sit here, I am trying to keep concentration and focus while 6 children run around and play hide-and-seek. I think that God is very aware of my situation, so He speaks to me in other ways.
Here are a few ways:
*The obvious is the "gut", its that feeling of what to do.
*Then there is "other people", God uses other people to send a message to His children that aren't really listening. I think that we are a world of people who listen to other people for advice and we want other people to tell us what to do or what not to do. So God uses others. The obvious one is through sermons in church, God uses preachers to spread His Word, but then there is the conversation that we over hear while sitting in the restaurant that so happens to be similar to the situation that we are in that the moment, and we hear how they are dealing with it. It may even be a conversation that we feel that we are "ease dropping" on, but that we end up remembering and use it later.
*One more, is signs. Really, signs, like street signs, billboards, ect. Those are the ones that you are driving in the car thinking about something and you see a sign. Duhhh!
We need to remember to thank God for the answer though. And trust that it is Him who is speaking to you.
I often times say how God told me to do something, or that God has revealed something to me. Its all about my trust in Him, that I don't doubt Him. That even if I have a feeling to do something and I do it, and it didn't turn out the way that I wanted, it is trust in God that it was the right decision. It took me a long time to figure out that if I trust in the decision that I make following Gods nudge, that He will make it blessed, that it was intended by God to happen that way.
Trust in Him, that He IS Awesome!! HE IS!! Dont doubt Him, Trust your gut and know that it is God talking.
Today, I think I know when it is God. It has alot to do with confidence, and trust. I am learning that God and "your gut"(instinct) are the same. Have you ever been in a situation and you say "mmm..something is telling me not to do that..."? Well that something is God. He is telling you not to do it, or to do it, or to turn around, whatever it is that He sees best.
I have never "heard" the voice of God that many others have. I talked to people that can and they say that it is in absolute silence that they do. Well, there is my problem right there, I never have absolute silence. As I sit here, I am trying to keep concentration and focus while 6 children run around and play hide-and-seek. I think that God is very aware of my situation, so He speaks to me in other ways.
Here are a few ways:
*The obvious is the "gut", its that feeling of what to do.
*Then there is "other people", God uses other people to send a message to His children that aren't really listening. I think that we are a world of people who listen to other people for advice and we want other people to tell us what to do or what not to do. So God uses others. The obvious one is through sermons in church, God uses preachers to spread His Word, but then there is the conversation that we over hear while sitting in the restaurant that so happens to be similar to the situation that we are in that the moment, and we hear how they are dealing with it. It may even be a conversation that we feel that we are "ease dropping" on, but that we end up remembering and use it later.
*One more, is signs. Really, signs, like street signs, billboards, ect. Those are the ones that you are driving in the car thinking about something and you see a sign. Duhhh!
We need to remember to thank God for the answer though. And trust that it is Him who is speaking to you.
I often times say how God told me to do something, or that God has revealed something to me. Its all about my trust in Him, that I don't doubt Him. That even if I have a feeling to do something and I do it, and it didn't turn out the way that I wanted, it is trust in God that it was the right decision. It took me a long time to figure out that if I trust in the decision that I make following Gods nudge, that He will make it blessed, that it was intended by God to happen that way.
Trust in Him, that He IS Awesome!! HE IS!! Dont doubt Him, Trust your gut and know that it is God talking.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Id like to give a shout-out!
I often go through my day on my own straight, giving myself praise when I have accomplished something.I get an ego boost when my kids praise me for making their favorite dinner or making a special snack before bed. I love to hear them say "your the best mom" and I love it when Austin says "your my most favorite mom ever", as if he has more than one.I get all kinds of thanks for making cookies and mac&cheese.
God made us in His own image. If we like to be praised for something that we did, how much more does He?He is the creator, the maker of all things good.He created trees,mountains, snow, the Grand Canyon!...the list is never ending! These are things that I take for granted, things that I see and say"wow look at that" but never taking into consideration how they came to be.
"WOW! What a great job You did Father!You really thought about it when You made these things!You made them perfect!"
I love to think about what He thinks when we praise and worship Him. What joy He must feel when His children say thanks. I think about Him sitting on His throne looking down at us with a smile on His face and His heart overflowing with love for us.
Today lets not let His perfect work go unnoticed. Lets thank Him when we see something beautiful, no matter what it is, the white snow or someone doing a good deed. Lets not get upset because we have to dust off our cars or complain about the cold, lets thank God for the snow and the cold, lets remember that He made it perfect. Lets go through today and everyday giving Him shouts of praise and thanks, because He is the most deserving of them!
God made us in His own image. If we like to be praised for something that we did, how much more does He?He is the creator, the maker of all things good.He created trees,mountains, snow, the Grand Canyon!...the list is never ending! These are things that I take for granted, things that I see and say"wow look at that" but never taking into consideration how they came to be.
"WOW! What a great job You did Father!You really thought about it when You made these things!You made them perfect!"
I love to think about what He thinks when we praise and worship Him. What joy He must feel when His children say thanks. I think about Him sitting on His throne looking down at us with a smile on His face and His heart overflowing with love for us.
Today lets not let His perfect work go unnoticed. Lets thank Him when we see something beautiful, no matter what it is, the white snow or someone doing a good deed. Lets not get upset because we have to dust off our cars or complain about the cold, lets thank God for the snow and the cold, lets remember that He made it perfect. Lets go through today and everyday giving Him shouts of praise and thanks, because He is the most deserving of them!
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Say What?
33"Make a tree good and its fruit will be good, or make a tree bad and its fruit will be bad, for a tree is recognized by its fruit. 34You brood of vipers, how can you who are evil say anything good? For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. 35The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him. 36But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken. 37For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned."
Matthew 12:33-37
This is something that I continue to struggle with, controlling my tongue. I don't curse too much anymore, a slip here and there, and definitely no "F bombs". But after much reading, listening and prayer over this, God had revealed to me that it is much deeper than just cursing. It is rage and anger, it is the way that we talk to people in a tone of voice that is not pleasant, it is saying something to someone that is mean and hurtful, and, even when our actions have bad intent in them. Oh, how many times have I rolled my eyes at someone, or slammed a door out of anger, or snatched something out of someones hand because I was irritated? Countless times.
Now, I am a people watcher. Everywhere I go I watch people and how they act, I always wonder that they are thinking and where they are going and such...!
Have you ever been at the store and seen a woman with a few kids and she is frustrated, the kids are running around and the baby in the cart is crying, and she is yelling at the older ones, snatches one of them up by the arm and every other word is ass, damn, and shit? I have (and no I'm not talking about myself). In fact it was last week at Wal-Mart. All I could help but think is "how ugly". On that same shopping trip I seen two girls walking through the isle, talking to each other and just a cursing away. Again I thought "how ugly". God made us to be beautiful, inside and out. It is His intention that good things go into our mouths like fruit and water to nourish our bodies and keep them healthy, just as His intention is that good things come out of our mouth, like words, to nourish the soul, ours and the ones of the listener. The listener, think about who is listening to you speak. My children, my husband, my friends, my friends children, people at Wal-Mart... and even God.
Verse 36 tells us that we "will have to give account...for every careless word...spoken".
I'm not so sure that I want to explain to God why I said careless words.
I by no means am I perfect, specially when it comes to my mouth, however, I am more aware of what comes out. I know that I have complete control over my tongue, it does not control me.
It is my personal testimony that God has worked through me in this, when He brought it to my attention, I prayed to Him for help, and He delivered! He is so Faithful and Awesome!
Matthew 12:33-37
This is something that I continue to struggle with, controlling my tongue. I don't curse too much anymore, a slip here and there, and definitely no "F bombs". But after much reading, listening and prayer over this, God had revealed to me that it is much deeper than just cursing. It is rage and anger, it is the way that we talk to people in a tone of voice that is not pleasant, it is saying something to someone that is mean and hurtful, and, even when our actions have bad intent in them. Oh, how many times have I rolled my eyes at someone, or slammed a door out of anger, or snatched something out of someones hand because I was irritated? Countless times.
Now, I am a people watcher. Everywhere I go I watch people and how they act, I always wonder that they are thinking and where they are going and such...!
Have you ever been at the store and seen a woman with a few kids and she is frustrated, the kids are running around and the baby in the cart is crying, and she is yelling at the older ones, snatches one of them up by the arm and every other word is ass, damn, and shit? I have (and no I'm not talking about myself). In fact it was last week at Wal-Mart. All I could help but think is "how ugly". On that same shopping trip I seen two girls walking through the isle, talking to each other and just a cursing away. Again I thought "how ugly". God made us to be beautiful, inside and out. It is His intention that good things go into our mouths like fruit and water to nourish our bodies and keep them healthy, just as His intention is that good things come out of our mouth, like words, to nourish the soul, ours and the ones of the listener. The listener, think about who is listening to you speak. My children, my husband, my friends, my friends children, people at Wal-Mart... and even God.
Verse 36 tells us that we "will have to give account...for every careless word...spoken".
I'm not so sure that I want to explain to God why I said careless words.
I by no means am I perfect, specially when it comes to my mouth, however, I am more aware of what comes out. I know that I have complete control over my tongue, it does not control me.
It is my personal testimony that God has worked through me in this, when He brought it to my attention, I prayed to Him for help, and He delivered! He is so Faithful and Awesome!
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
The Ultimate Would You Rather...
"...I would rather spend my life believing in something,only to find out that it never existed, Than to spend my life not believing,only to find out that it did exist".
I listened to two men debate about something, I wasn't really listening that close, but that is what one of them said, and that was the only thing that I heard. I turned off the radio and really thought about what he said. Now I have always been a believer, so that wasn't an issue for me really, but what if I wasn't? At the time I wasn't going to church and stuff, but I felt that God really wanted me to think about what that man said. So I did.
I thought about all the Christians that I know. How their lifestyles are, how they talk to people, and act towards people.I know them to be caring and loving towards people, no anger. I thought about living my life that way, trying to live at peace with myself and others and hoping at the end that there is a great reward, but then I die, and I find that there was no reward.
Then, I thought about it the other way. What if I lived my life to the max, I just took full advantage of having human life, only being self-serving. Thinking that this life is all there is and that the only reward we will ever have is the one that you earn here on earth....but, then I die, and I find myself standing somewhere that I never believed existed. Heaven. Then what?
I have chosen not to gamble here. There is nothing wrong for me to live my life with kindness and good intentions in my heart. I choose to live by faith and not by sight. Even though I have never physically seen $100,000, that doesnt mean that it cant exist.
To me, Believing is the core to my faith, that is were it starts.
He is the Alpha and the Omega!!!!!
I listened to two men debate about something, I wasn't really listening that close, but that is what one of them said, and that was the only thing that I heard. I turned off the radio and really thought about what he said. Now I have always been a believer, so that wasn't an issue for me really, but what if I wasn't? At the time I wasn't going to church and stuff, but I felt that God really wanted me to think about what that man said. So I did.
I thought about all the Christians that I know. How their lifestyles are, how they talk to people, and act towards people.I know them to be caring and loving towards people, no anger. I thought about living my life that way, trying to live at peace with myself and others and hoping at the end that there is a great reward, but then I die, and I find that there was no reward.
Then, I thought about it the other way. What if I lived my life to the max, I just took full advantage of having human life, only being self-serving. Thinking that this life is all there is and that the only reward we will ever have is the one that you earn here on earth....but, then I die, and I find myself standing somewhere that I never believed existed. Heaven. Then what?
I have chosen not to gamble here. There is nothing wrong for me to live my life with kindness and good intentions in my heart. I choose to live by faith and not by sight. Even though I have never physically seen $100,000, that doesnt mean that it cant exist.
To me, Believing is the core to my faith, that is were it starts.
He is the Alpha and the Omega!!!!!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Cool like that!
11"Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. Matthew 5:11-12
I loved going out on the weekends. I loved to have drinks with my friends and dance all night. I loved being in everyones business and gossiping about people, probably to make myself feel better about my own life. I also unknowingly dated a married man. Worse is when I found out that he was I continued the relationship, and let myself fall in love with him. After I found out, even though I didnt have the relationship with God then as I do now, I felt God telling me to end it. But I was more worried about my relationship with that man then the one with God. I have always been concerned about what others think of me, I dont want people to think that I'm wierd or something. Looking back at silly of me to worry about that!
Fear of what people will say was something that kept me from seeking Gods truth for me. When I look at it, almost everyone hated Jesus, they called him all kinds of names, that didnt stop him.Jesus wasnt worried that Simon wouldnt talk to him anymore, they killed him for being who he was! Today, no one is going to kill us for being a Christian (in the US anyways), and lets thank God for that. I can honestly say that being a Christ follower is the hardest thing that I have ever done, but it is the most rewarding. When I began my walk with Christ, He took from me the desire to party and replaced it with the desire to learn about Him. He took from me the fear of ridicule from others and replaced it with love and understanding towards them. God is good like that, He fixes things in me that just arent right!
I feel that I am proof that if you put your trust and faith in God that He will not ignore you. He will show you His will for your life, He will take you places and show you things that you never thought possible. He is cool like that!!!
I loved going out on the weekends. I loved to have drinks with my friends and dance all night. I loved being in everyones business and gossiping about people, probably to make myself feel better about my own life. I also unknowingly dated a married man. Worse is when I found out that he was I continued the relationship, and let myself fall in love with him. After I found out, even though I didnt have the relationship with God then as I do now, I felt God telling me to end it. But I was more worried about my relationship with that man then the one with God. I have always been concerned about what others think of me, I dont want people to think that I'm wierd or something. Looking back at silly of me to worry about that!
Fear of what people will say was something that kept me from seeking Gods truth for me. When I look at it, almost everyone hated Jesus, they called him all kinds of names, that didnt stop him.Jesus wasnt worried that Simon wouldnt talk to him anymore, they killed him for being who he was! Today, no one is going to kill us for being a Christian (in the US anyways), and lets thank God for that. I can honestly say that being a Christ follower is the hardest thing that I have ever done, but it is the most rewarding. When I began my walk with Christ, He took from me the desire to party and replaced it with the desire to learn about Him. He took from me the fear of ridicule from others and replaced it with love and understanding towards them. God is good like that, He fixes things in me that just arent right!
I feel that I am proof that if you put your trust and faith in God that He will not ignore you. He will show you His will for your life, He will take you places and show you things that you never thought possible. He is cool like that!!!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Limited Thinking
I think that there are many misunderstandings when it comes to having faith and God. I think that there are alot of "christian"groups that make Christians look bad and that turns people way from God. I'm not going to talk about the people that say God hates the US, that is a whole different subject in itself, I don't even have words to say about that topic! But in the less extreme more realistic sense, some people see faith as rules:
-I can only wear skirts
-I cant eat sugar
-I cant watch TV
-I cant take birth control
-I have to pray 20 times a day
-I cant dance, drink or laugh......
The truth of this is, is that yes, these are some things that different denominations practice.
17Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 18And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect[a] the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. 2 Corinthians 3:17-18
In this passage the "unveiled faces" refers to Christians, believers of Christ.
I wore a veil (more like 10 veils!) over my face for a long time. That veil held me back from pursuing God will in my life. When I seen this list with my veil on, I only seen limitations vs. now looking at them with my veil off, I see that this list ultimately came from God. And because He is so awesome, He knew that if the world were to only have one denomination/religion then we (His children) would be limited in knowing Him.
I have learned not to limit my thinking when it comes to faith in Christ. I had to realize that just because someone does or doesn't do these things, that they are fulfilling Gods call in there life, which was something that I wasn't doing while judging them. Thinking that they were weird, when I was the one losing out. God has done alot of work with my heart this past few years, we have come along way together. He taught me that how you get to the finish line isn't as important as making it there. All Christians have the same goal: to get to heaven, to have eternal life with Jesus Christ. So no matter if you don't eat sugar, or you do until your teeth fall out, the goal is still the same, eternal life with Christ.
I also used to think that there were no "cool" Christ followers,that you were a "bible banger" (thanks Brandy!) if you had a relationship with God. But I want to state for the record that I know some very cool women (and men) that believe, in fact I sat down with 3 this morning and 4 last night. Women who are as normal as they come, graphic designers, teachers, artist, program directors, moms and wives, the only difference is that "They're Believing God"!!!!
-I can only wear skirts
-I cant eat sugar
-I cant watch TV
-I cant take birth control
-I have to pray 20 times a day
-I cant dance, drink or laugh......
The truth of this is, is that yes, these are some things that different denominations practice.
17Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 18And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect[a] the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. 2 Corinthians 3:17-18
In this passage the "unveiled faces" refers to Christians, believers of Christ.
I wore a veil (more like 10 veils!) over my face for a long time. That veil held me back from pursuing God will in my life. When I seen this list with my veil on, I only seen limitations vs. now looking at them with my veil off, I see that this list ultimately came from God. And because He is so awesome, He knew that if the world were to only have one denomination/religion then we (His children) would be limited in knowing Him.
I have learned not to limit my thinking when it comes to faith in Christ. I had to realize that just because someone does or doesn't do these things, that they are fulfilling Gods call in there life, which was something that I wasn't doing while judging them. Thinking that they were weird, when I was the one losing out. God has done alot of work with my heart this past few years, we have come along way together. He taught me that how you get to the finish line isn't as important as making it there. All Christians have the same goal: to get to heaven, to have eternal life with Jesus Christ. So no matter if you don't eat sugar, or you do until your teeth fall out, the goal is still the same, eternal life with Christ.
I also used to think that there were no "cool" Christ followers,that you were a "bible banger" (thanks Brandy!) if you had a relationship with God. But I want to state for the record that I know some very cool women (and men) that believe, in fact I sat down with 3 this morning and 4 last night. Women who are as normal as they come, graphic designers, teachers, artist, program directors, moms and wives, the only difference is that "They're Believing God"!!!!
Monday, November 26, 2007
False: Because the world isnt the same as it was 1,000 years ago God has changed to "fit in".
Fact: God is still the same as He was when He created Adam and Eve.
He doesnt change! I used to think that He did, probably to justify my behavior. I thought..."Look at the world today, If judgement day were to happen today, everyone is doomed. But God is supposed to be good, so he wont cast us all away from him because all of my sins are excepted in todays living world. Millions of people are doing the same things I am....". I have a feeling that I am not the only one who thought that.
How depressing would that be; If God were wishy-washy like we are. If He changed His ways to "fit in". Think about this: the very hand that created heaven and earth is the very same hand that loves us today.
This is something that God has recently revealed to me. That he is so powerful and perfect that His love and rightousness never changes. That He will always forgive my sin (and forget it happened!) if I ask Him with a sincere heart, no matter how many times I make the same mistake. Unlike me who is unforgiving and unforgetting. Before I was really able to have a relationship with Christ, I first had to understand that He is allpowerful and unchanging. He is more than you or I can fathom, our minds cannot hold or comperhend his majesty and how BIG He is.
Fact: God is still the same as He was when He created Adam and Eve.
He doesnt change! I used to think that He did, probably to justify my behavior. I thought..."Look at the world today, If judgement day were to happen today, everyone is doomed. But God is supposed to be good, so he wont cast us all away from him because all of my sins are excepted in todays living world. Millions of people are doing the same things I am....". I have a feeling that I am not the only one who thought that.
How depressing would that be; If God were wishy-washy like we are. If He changed His ways to "fit in". Think about this: the very hand that created heaven and earth is the very same hand that loves us today.
This is something that God has recently revealed to me. That he is so powerful and perfect that His love and rightousness never changes. That He will always forgive my sin (and forget it happened!) if I ask Him with a sincere heart, no matter how many times I make the same mistake. Unlike me who is unforgiving and unforgetting. Before I was really able to have a relationship with Christ, I first had to understand that He is allpowerful and unchanging. He is more than you or I can fathom, our minds cannot hold or comperhend his majesty and how BIG He is.
In the "zone"
10 years ago my comfort zone was way different then it is today. I was comfortable smoking, getting drunk and high and having sex. I felt uncomfortable when I went to church (on the rarest occasion) and when I would pray, which was usually selfishly.
I was raised in a Catholic school so I have always beleived in God, but now I realize that it was in a superficial way. Adults that I was suppost to look up to and learn from drank, cheated on spouses and partied all the time. The only thing I learned at the time was that that kind of behivior was excepted.
After I had my first baby at 19, God sent me an angel (thats what I would call her anyway). She was my sons babysitter. Joan. She was the one to help me take my first step out of my comfort zone. She invited me to church one Sunday and my life since then slowly started to change. It has been a hard fight out and I fell back into my zone many times since, but God planted a seed in my heart that day and He waited patiently for my to notice it.
I was raised in a Catholic school so I have always beleived in God, but now I realize that it was in a superficial way. Adults that I was suppost to look up to and learn from drank, cheated on spouses and partied all the time. The only thing I learned at the time was that that kind of behivior was excepted.
After I had my first baby at 19, God sent me an angel (thats what I would call her anyway). She was my sons babysitter. Joan. She was the one to help me take my first step out of my comfort zone. She invited me to church one Sunday and my life since then slowly started to change. It has been a hard fight out and I fell back into my zone many times since, but God planted a seed in my heart that day and He waited patiently for my to notice it.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Turning point
This past year God has been doing some amazing things. He has revealed things to me that blow my mind and He has put some of the most awesome people in my life. I am speechless when I think about how much God loves me. Me! I never really understood how God could love everyone. When you hear people say that Jesus died on the cross for you, I would tend to think of the you, as everyone as a whole. But thats not it, He did it for you, for me, for you as an individual. When He revealed that to me, on that very special day, my life forever changed.
I am not much for journaling and sharing my personal life with people. I am doing this as a step to start stepping out of my comfort zone. Anyone who was at service this morning at Heritage will know what I am talking about. My goal in this is that maybe someone reading will be encouraged to step out of their own comfort zone. Because of my goal, I am slowly going to reveal why I am Forever Changed.
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