Monday, February 4, 2008

The World is Full of It


"Some disasters can be blessings, and, some blessings can be disasters". That was what I pulled out of a fortune cookie one time. I taped it on a container in the kitchen so that I would see it every now and then. Sometimes I see it at just the right time.

While emailing a friend back and forth from my group, she confessed to me that when she was originally placed at our table she was a little disappointed. The majority of our table is young mothers, but by no means is my friend too old for our table. She told me that she just felt that God would place her with older women, that "older is wiser".

When I first started 2nd session, I was disappointed. I was placed at a table with young women. I am a young woman, only 26! But I felt that "older was wiser" and that God would place me with women that I could learn from, women who were established in their faith and could teach me how to be a "perfect" Christ follower.

God always knows better than us, I have always had a hard time digesting that. No one knows me better! Nobody. Except God.
Why dont we trust God more? Even with something as small as sitting with someone? He knew from the very begining who and why we were assigned to that table. Understanding that He is always aware of and looking out for our best interests is something so amazing. If we cant trust that we are here for His will in the small situations, than how in the world are we to trust Him in the big ones?

This disappointment however, was a true blessing, for both of us. Some of the girls from that 2nd session I still sit with and we have become great friends. We have learned so much from eachother. Although no one is a "perfect" Christ follower, we have learned together how to live a more Christ-like life.

Understanding that God sees the big picture, and that we only see the corner is probably something that I will never grasp, but allowing Him to do His work is something that I am learning to except.


STEPHANIE. said...

right on! I miss you, seems like I haven't seen you guys forever, and its been awhile since you posted! i like hearing from you.:)

alliK said...

I love my table and you! I know we are together for a reason. Thanks for staying! Love alli